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I came across a Tosfos Yom Tov in Avos which I would like to share with you.

חמשה ניסים נעשו לאבותינו בביהמ"ק... ולא אירע קרי לכ"ג ביוה"כ – יש מי שמקשה ולמה יארע לו קרי אחר שהיה מזרזין אותו כל שבעת הימים והוא בטהרה כל היום ההוא וזקני העם כל הלילה לא החשו מלזרזו והתשובה כי יצר טוב ויצר הרע מתקוטטים זה עם זה כשני אויבים וכשאחד מהן קרוב להיות מנוצח יתחזק על עמדו בראותו כי כלתה אליו הרעה והרבה מן האנשים בעת פטירתן יתחזקו וידברו דברים טובים כאילו הם בריאים ולזה היה קרוב מאד להיות הכהן קרי כ"כ במדר"ש בשם החסיד
(אבות ה"ה)

One of the Nisim that occurred during the time of the Bais Hamikdash was that the Kohen Godel never had to be replaced by a different Kohen during Yom Kippur because he became a Baal Keri. The question is, that since the Kohen was placed in a special room seven days before Yom Kippur which there he would be B’Keduasha Ub’Tahara  as seen in Meseches Yuma then why should he become a Baal Keri? On this the Tosfos Yom Tov (Bshem Midrash Shmuel) answers that the Yetzer Tov and the Yetzer Hora are fighting a big battle and when the Yetzer Hora sees he’s losing, just as we see many dying men right before they die they strengthen themselves and start talking as a healthy man so the Yetzer Hora strengthens himself with all his might and could bring the Kohen to become a Baal Keri.

From this we see that falling is a sign of a falling Yetzer Hora Shocked
and a strong you/us.Cheesy

Don't let a downfall make you fall down. The first downfall is after a week I'm sure now you'll be able to go for longer. Last time I fell through after 5 months now I'm up to six months and I haven't done it. Remember we might lose a battle but we are going to win the war.

I know just how you feel. Try to think that it's all blown up stuff, there is nothing there. Remember the good days?! Imagine how close to Hashem you'll feel on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and everyday now that you're working on yourself. You're doing a great job! Keep it up! I once heard that while you're in a Nisoyon and you hold yourself back it's a big Es Rotzon. I'm sure you have a whole list to ask from Hashem. Ask away!